Friday, August 26, 2011

#002 Gibbering Mouther

Entry the second: The Gibbering Mouther

I don't have many memories of dealing with these while PLAYING a game, but I had the surprising fortune to throw one against my players in the Pathfinder Game I'm running. (Serpent's Skull AP, if you cared)

It was one of those cases where I overlooked some of their abilities in the planning step, and once combat hit I almost had a few dead characters. It didn't help that somehow they decided to split up for one of the first times ever, and have the Sorceress poke around in a cave with only one person to back her up. Good thing they just ran away.

A friend of mine did ask why they don't just call them what they are, "Mini-Shoggoths", but I think its a trick so that you underestimate their abilities, like I did.

Also, here's a bonus entry, Gibbering Mouther, Political Satire Edition!

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